Today, students from Community School 55 (C.S. 55) Tigers, Class 203 received a tour of BronxNet’s Media and Technology studios and a sneak peek of its new environmentally friendly show, “Eco Leaders.”
“Eco Leaders” is a 6-episode television series set in the year 2088 after Earth has been destroyed. Time-traveling puppets go back to the present day to teach us how we can prevent and fix the problems that led to our demise. The show aims to give children environmental and climate solutions to take care of our planet in a fun and scientific approach.
The show has an 80’s aesthetic feel, using puppets, a robot, adult characters, and one child actor to bring a pleasant and fun-loving sentiment to the program. Each episode covers different topics such as global warming, water conservation, asthma alley, environmental justice, and more. Characters like Dr. Fossil, Cardi G., and LeTron James relate to the youth and bring those characters to life.
Michael Max Knobbe, Chief Executive Officer of BronxNet, said, “At BronxNet, we have spotlighted the creative community in the Bronx for over three decades. Through this special partnership with Creative Rebuild New York, we have ten local artists and residencies creating original programs and engaging with Bronxites, our youth, and the public from the Bronx to the universe. ‘Eco Leaders’ is a premier children’s show made in the Bronx at BronxNet by amazing local artists working together with the BronxNet team.”
We took a moment to ask the children of C.S. 55 what they thought about the show:
Hailey Luis said, “Everything was fun, and it related to me.”
Dashini Jenkins liked the puppets and enjoyed that one of the characters was their age acting.
Eden Starks said it reminded her of Kermit the Frog, and this show gives her hopes about being an actress one day.
After the facility tour, a showing of the premiere episode, and a Q&A with the actors, the children received fantastic news. They will star in the sixth episode of “Eco Leaders,” which will be filmed at their school this week, marking them the first-ever class to be featured on the show.
“Eco Leaders” will have its broadcast premiere on Friday, May 31st at 3 PM on BronxNet channel 67-Optimum and 2133-Fios, and at BronxNet.
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